緊急地震速報受信機 直下地震対応 地震計内蔵 HomeSeismo ホームサイスモ

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地震減災 nippon プロジェクト 訓練カウンター

ためしてみよう!! 緊急地震速報 緊急地震速報をシミュレーションでためしてみよう!!

HomeSeismo製造元 ⁄ 配信事業者
気象庁地震動予報業務 許可番号
許可第98号 [変更認可第98-2号]

HomeSeismoアラート 特許取得済
Israel Patent No.216614

「気象庁 緊急地震速報ガイドライン」適合状況について

地震から、自分を守り地域を護る サイスモネットワーク



気象庁 「緊急地震速報」の受信装置の設置を義務化しているなどと話す業者にご注意ください。


The case of The British School in Tokyo

The British School in Tokyo様 設置事例(日本語)
"The British School in Tokyo" Web site

Early Earthquake Warning Service with English Guidance.
Showa Campus, etc. Total two places.

The reason for installing EEW

To provide children and staff with early warning of an earthquake so they can duck & cover before the earthquake happens. With small children (from 3 yrs old) if we have an early warning we will hopefully be able to react better and make children safer.

The reason for selecting HomeSeismo

The adviser from outside of our school referred this company to us.

Changes after setting up HomeSeismo

Photograph eew drill

I think it gives staff and students more of a sense of safety as they would get a warning if an earthquake was about to hit.
Certainly parents seem happy that we have installed the system.
After installation we could run more realistic earthquake drills, including evacuation of the building and getting children to put on head protection.
It also made people realize, foreign parents especially, that earthquakes could be detected before they happen and preparations can be made.

Drills 3 times a year using the HomeSeismo.
It's very beneficial although it does make younger children scared the first time they hear it.
Generally students react well and 'duck & cover' quickly.

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Installation situation

Showa Campus

Installation location
Sound output
Public Address
Contact output
Public Address(Start/End)

Photograph of school
Photograph of eew poster

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